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Ma Tirelire Perl PDB toolsMa Tirelire Perl PDB tools

  1. First of all, I don't provide any support for the use of these scripts/modules in the case of a personnal use: I don't have enough time.

    If you plan to do a public project, I will help you...

  2. Verify that perl is installed on your OS. If you don't know what perl is, go to the perl site and learn this wonderful language.

    I don't have any time to explain how perl works, sorry.

    To get perl follow this link.

    If you want to use the M1->M2 converter or the M2 import/export scripts, you must have perl 5.8.0 or later installed. You can verify this by launching perl -v on a shell:

    > perl -v
    This is perl, v5.8.7 built for i386-freebsd-64int
    (with 1 registered patch, see perl -V for more detail)
    Copyright 1987-2005, Larry Wall
    Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the
    GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.
    Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on
    this system using `man perl' or `perldoc perl'.  If you have access to the
    Internet, point your browser at, the Perl Home Page.
  3. Once, you have to install the perl Palm module.

    Go to p5-Palm and download the archive.

       untar the archive:
       tar zxvf p5-Palm-1.012.tar.gz (or use wind*ws zip)
       cd p5-Palm-1.012
       perl Makefile.PL
       make test
       make install

    If you want to use the M1->M2 converter or the M2 import/export scripts, you need at least the version 1.012

  4. Then you can install the Palm::MaTirelire :

    Go to Palm::MaTirelire and download the archive

       untar the archive;
       tar zxvf p5-Palm-MaTirelire-1.10.tar.gz (or use wind*ws zip)
       cd p5-Palm-MaTirelire-1.10
       perl Makefile.PL
       make test
       make install

    Note that this module is not yet documented... If someone has more time than me, I accept his help ;-)

    In the tools directory, you will find, and scripts (that can be used as a CGI too). is the script used by the M1 to M2 converter at This script needs the following perl module:
    -   Archive::Zip. is the script used by the M2 into CSV exporter at This script needs the following perl modules:
    -   Archive::Zip;
    -   Text::CSV_XS;
    -   Locale::Recode. is the script used by the CSV into M2 importer at This script needs the following perl modules:
    -   Archive::Zip;
    -   Text::CSV_XS;
    -   Locale::Recode.
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